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Neupert is the family name of my wife Jutta.
Her grandfather Heinrich lived in Berlin, but was born in Eichelberg, Bayreuth, Bavaria.


Johann Adam Neupert, born about 1695 in Meyernreuth, Bayreuth, Upper Franconia is the oldest Neupert ancestors found so far, see adjacent Bayreuth map

All ancestors up to Juttas grandfather Heinrich lived in Meyernreuth.

Origin of the name Neupert respectively Neuper

Varied form of „Neubauer“.

Allocation of the name 'Neupert' in Germany

The name Neupert occurs 821 times in 211 counties. There are an estimated 2189 persons with this surname.
This corresponds above the average for all German surnames. It is thus at 4302th position of most common names.
Most occurrences are in Landkreis Greiz , namely 46. The core area is, clearly to be seen, Oberfranken.
Source: Base of name distribution are about 35 million telephone subscribers in Germany from the year 2002.

Ambos families

Stock families
in the South-West Palatinate

Oberdoerfer families

Freyer families

Neupert families

Langefeldt families

Boesner families

Rueffer families

Source list

Background info
concerning Zweibruecken and nearby locations